People You Need to Know



So this is Jackson. I met Jackson in 2011 and we started dating in January of 2014. We have been close for a long time and have a really great friendship and relationship.



During my freshman year in college (2011-2012) I joined a sorority, Phi Mu. I ended up quitting because its expensive to be in one, however the greatest thing I gained from joining was my Big. She recently moved down to Houston, not too long after I moved back, and she is one of my greatest friends. She is so great to me, and I wish I was half the friend that she is to me.



This is Jennifer! I’ve known her since we were in middle school but we began to be really good friends by our junior year in high school. She’s always been there for me, and I’ll always be there for her just as best friends should be.



Last but not least, is my Zeus-y. I adopted him in August 2013 when he was just nine weeks old. He is my baby and he fully aware of the fact that I am his mommy. He is the sweetest, cutest dog a girl could ever ask for. I treat him like he is my child because he pretty much is.

M – My most recent ex before Jackson. We had a casual relationship. Jennifer introduced us, we dated for a bit but we were only official for two weeks before I ended it.
Zac – Zac broke my heart so bad I left Tarleton. We dated for seven months. We haven’t spoken since our breakup. I was in love with him.
Austin – My first love from high school. We didn’t date for long and maybe back then I didn’t know what love was but I loved him based on the knowledge I had about love. I got extremely jealous and this caused a lot of fights between us, but to be fair he was a total man whore so maybe that had something to do with it too.

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